Where does the money go to, It really is no joke
When ever I turn around, I’m always stony-broke

I try to manage my money, I have to there’s not much of it
I eke it out as far as I can, & stretch it bit by bit

I look at other people, & they seem to manage fine
Their kids are dressed so up to date, they pay their bills on time

But me I’m always scratching, always trying to get in front
And it’s always My little darlings, who have to take the brunt

When the school’s asking for money, & they come home with a note
It’s My kids who look in horror, as I jump right down their throat

I don’t want to be mean, I’m just trying to do my best
I’d like to win tatslotto, so I can have a little rest

I’d love to have a bit put by, so I could give my kids a treat
Instead of struggling like I do ,just to make ends meet

But I guess one day it’ll be better, when my kids are fully grown
And I pray they’ll remember I loved them, that I didn’t only moan

So until then, I’ll just battle on trying to make a life
I never thought it would be like this, when I became a wife

By Jan Ward © 1999.