How could anyone explain?
The terror, when bricks turned to rain
As people leapt from burning towers
Civilization, died that hour

People dazed & traumatized
As the world looked on, & realized
Crying, weeping, shivering, shaking
As freedoms heartbeat, was breaking

From the comfort of my own lounge chair
I watched with fearful blank despair
As images, one by one displayed
A people that had been betrayed

The scenes depicted on the screen
Portrayed a terrifying scene
As clouds of blackened smothering dust
Obliterated peoples trust

Did the victims have time to pray?
As they were sent to hell that day
Along with their rescuers, sent in to save
They all went to an early grave

Whose fanatical brain would inspire?
What demonic mind could conspire?
That their followers would perform this act
Carrying out their suicidal pact

The lost souls on the hi-jacked planes
Knew they were going down in flames
Some managed to call, to say goodbye
In the seconds before they were about to die

I watched a mother both proud & sad
The baby who has lost its dad
The wife who keeps a vigil long
The sweetness of America’s song

The fire fighters covered in dust & ash
The gaping hole, a wounded gash
The doctors, nurses, & all the crew
Went about the work, as they’re trained to do

But how can you be trained, for the sights they saw
They’ve all given more, than they can endure
With still more buildings, trembling on the brink
As they threaten to topple, in an eyelid's blink

Parents, brothers, husbands, wives
Struggling to keep their hopes alive
Praying for the miracle, that their loved one is safe
That they escaped, that terrifying place

As heroic stories begin to unfold
As countless tales of courage are told
As we hear of the thousands, coming down the stairwell
Serene & calm at the gates of hell

For hours I sit as this tragedy, is played out
Unable to grasp, what this horrors about
To numb to think, to stunned to cry
One word keeps repeating, Why? Why?

I think about the mothers, who dropped their kids off to school
Not knowing that on this day, terror-ism would rule
I think about the babies, the tree broke its bough
How many of these innocents, will be orphans now

The passengers on the fourth ill-fated plane
Did they overpower the hi-jackers, to regain
Some semblance of power over their destiny
As the plane crashed at Pittsburgh, were they free?

The brave souls at the Pentagon
Have gone back to work, to carry on
To show the world, that although they are hurt
They will not grovel in the dirt

That America will surely retaliate
Has certainly sealed somebody’s fate
The wicked will definitely be made to pay
For the evil acts, that were performed that day

But nothing can bring those people back
No matter who they bomb or attack
The mastermind behind these deeds
Plays out all his fanatical needs

The warpedness of so bizarre a mind
Which plans a catastrophe of this kind
Is already on his way to martyrdom
In whichever place he calls home

But when he answers to his God
About his sins, when on this earth he trod
Certainly his God, will view this in great dismay
The terrible sins he committed this day

We feel your pain America!!

By Jan Ward © 2001.