The venue where I stand is nice & clean

I am a no-tor-rious pokie machine

I’m as brightly lit as I can be, & I can sing so merrily

That they’ll sit by me for hours & feed me quite happily

When you put your money in, I sometimes let you win

But only sometimes, ‘cos you see I’m as greedy as can be

And what I get, I really like to keep

But Jeff said we must share so I’ll give what I can spare

There’s days I give so much that I could weep

I very nearly let you win the top prizes when you spin

But it’s all a ruse to keep you sitting still

So you throw your loot away as you sit, day after day

And if you don’t stay, there’s someone else who will

Just praying to be the one to take home a tidy sum

So they can show their partners why it is that they must come

There’s pleasure in it no doubt that’s why people come on out

I make some folk want to laugh, & I make others want to shout

Our Jeff did that you see He raised the prosperity

Of all, but the average punter, who comes in to play on me

My appeal can strike the top from the poor up to the knob

But it’s the ones that cannot stop, that will, keep me in this job

By Jan Ward © 1999.